Joelle Orrock is a Coordinator at the Sacramento County Office of Education and has worked in the prevention field for over 30 years. In her capacity as a prevention supervisor, she has impacted the field of prevention through training and oversight of projects and initiatives designed to decrease the likelihood of youth substance use and abuse. She trains and oversees mentoring staff to deliver program services at school sites; coordinates prevention services countywide; serves as the Sacramento County Tobacco Use Prevention Education Coordinator providing leadership, training and resources to districts receiving TUPE funds from the California Department of Education; chairs the Prevention Coordinating Council for Sacramento County; and coordinates the Sacramento County Coalition for Youth to prevent and reduce underage drinking and substance use in Sacramento County. Her passion for changing communities and the lives of young people is only exceeded by her passion for the San Francisco Giants and her own young people, Matt and Logan.
Related Staff
Sonia Gutierrez
Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Manager, Santa Clara County Office of Education
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Program Specialist, Prevention and Safety/TUPE Coordinator, San Diego County Office of Education